Wednesday 11 March 2020

Trip to theatre

As things stand in the current moment we are still going to the theatre tomorrow to see "Adios Peter Pan."  We have done an extra risk assessment and the children will use gel to clean their hands once they get off the bus, in the theatre and once they are back in school they can wash them again. We will also take extra wet wipes and tissues.  We are following government guidelines regarding school excursions.

We will be back in school by just after 11 so the children will eat their snacks 30 minutes later than normal. You may want to give them slightly more breakfast than normal just in case.

They should bring their school bag, water bottle, library books and snacks as normal.

The trip to the farm next week is now also pending another risk assessment and we are waiting to see how the situation evolves as things are changing on a daily basis. A decision will be made by Tuesday. I have not even told the children about the trip to the farm yet in case we are unable to go.

Monday 9 March 2020

Monday 9th March


Phonics - u-e  huge brute  (use  rude cube  June)
revise oo (poo at the zoo)

Your children will be given new reading bokos tomorrow as normal.

Later this week the children will do a short reading comprehension. They do not need to revise for it and should not worry about it (they don't even know yet.) It is the first proper reading comprehension test they have done and it is a test done by Y1 children in England, so do not be concerned if the result is not as goods as you expected.

This week we are learning addition and subtraction bonds to 9.
Your child should now be able to do sums such as 4+?=9  9-2=? and even 9-?=3 etc

They should also be able to do similar sums to make any number up to 10
Eg 5+?=8  7-4=?  3+?=5 etc

Many of the addition and subtraction games I put on the blog last week can help with this too.

We are also revising doubles up to 5 + 5 and will now do doubles up to 10 + 10 (some children may double other 2 digit numbers too - 40+40 12 + 12 etc)
doubles song

We are also revising number bonds (addition & subtraction to 10) and how we can use that to do addition and subtraction to 20

The activelearn game focuses on bonds to 10.

In topic we are still learning about different types of animals and today we have learned how to classify animals by what they eat - carnivore, omnivore & herbivore.

Please remember that on Thursday we are going to the theatre to see "Adios Peter Pan" I assume they are taking their snack with them, but to be honest I don't know. I'll ask Srta Valeron tomorrow and update the blog accordingly.

Next week we are visiting Tio Isidro farm, you should be receiving an email from school if you haven't already. The children don't even know yet!!

They should take their snack and water as normal and school will provide a packed lunch for them. We will be back in school for about 1.45

Please remember that to help with good hygiene we have decided that it is better if each child has their own REUSABLE water bottle rather than a cup. Your child should have brought home their cup on Friday and should bring a water bottle to school every day. If they drink it all then they can refill it in school. Thanks

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Week beginning March 2nd


Reading books will be changed as normal on Tuesday.

Phonics o-e (phone home)  rope  smoke  note 

We will also revise ow (blow the snow)

We will also be reading and writing facts about animals and in groups we will make some non-fiction books.

Maths – We are still working on adding by counting on, put the bigger number in your head and count on.  We will also work on addition by breaking a number down. If you know you number bonds well you will be able to see that to do 8 + 5 it may be easier to do  8 + 2 (which we know makes 10) and then do 10 + 3 (which we can also do easily)

We will then look at subtraction by counting back and looking at number patterns – if you know 5-2 = 3 then you can easily do 25-2  or 65-2 etc

There will be a new game on the active learn site. Try some of these games too.

Topic – we are still working on classifying animals into groups and will also learn to name the main parts of some animals.  try these videos - we haven't even watched them yet in class.


Thursday 20 February 2020

Carnival and next week

We've had a lovely day today. We made up our own Carnival songs, made masks, worked in pairs to do a treasure hunt and played some games too.

Have a relaxing holiday.

As there are only 2 days next school week we will give your child 2 new “Oxford Readng Tree” books but not a “Read Write Inc” book. Reading books and library books will both be changed on Thursday.


We will learn the split e sound (Go Pete and Steve)  sphere  complete  these   here   eve  even


In maths we will be practicing counting on starting with the bigger number and counting on from that number. Eg 62 + 3 = 

We will also look at number patterns to help us – If you know 5 +3 is 8 then you can easily do 25 + 3   or 65 + 3 etc

There will be a new game on the active learn site.


We are continuing our work on animals, classifying them into mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds & fish.



Monday 17 February 2020

Monday 17th Feb


As this is a shorter week than normal, we will not have time to do any “read write inc” lessons although your child will still be reading in school and will get new reading books on Tuesday as normal.  Library books will still be changed on Thursday even though it is Carnival.



i-e – (nice smile)  like  rice  ice  line  time  knife

We will also revise igh (fly high)




This week we are revising number bonds to 10 and using those bonds to do subtraction from 10. We will also revise bonds to make 5 6 & 7 and then learn to make 8  Eg 3+?=8            8-3=? etc


There is a new (subtraction bonds) game on the active learn site and you can try these games too.

clear it addition (hit 2 or 3 numbers to make the target score – the numbers must be touching each other left /right or up/down but not diagonally)

subtraction facts subtraction practise

Try this game for addition bonds (choose to do bonds to 5,6,7 or 8) save the whale bonds



Topic – we have now finished out topic on toys now and long ago. Sometime this week your child will bring home his topic work to show you. There is no need to return it to school.

Our new topic for the remainder of this term will be animals.



Carnival – your child should come to school dressed in Carnival clothes this Thursday. There is no Carnival assembly or show for parents this year.

Remember, there is no school (for children) on Friday.  Normal school will resume the following Thursday 27th February.



Wednesday 12 February 2020

Theatre trip

Tomorrow we are going on a trip to the theatre in Telde.  We will leave about 9.30 and will be back by 11.30

As there is no time to eat their snack there, they will eat before we leave (rather early) so please bear this in mind. Maybe give them less breakfast and a normal snack. Or normal breakfast and a very small snack.  If the children do not finish their snack they will be able to eat it later, after lunch or in the afternoon if they are still hungry. 

They should bring their school bags and library book to school as normal although they will not need to take anything with them on the trip. 

Monday 10 February 2020

Week beginning Monday 10th Feb

Literacy - this week there will be no "read write inc" lessons, but your child will bring home new books tomorrow as normal. Please note, they will not have read the book or even the words at all in school with us so they may find it harder than normal. 

Phonics - this week's sound is the split a  (a-e    make a cake)  snake  name  same   game   shake  plate   (There are lots more words)
& revise ay (may I play)

This week we are doing some half termly assessment. they are nothing to worry about and your child does not need to revise, it is simply to monitor their progress and our teaching. Today we did one on spelling and vocab and tomorrow there will be a reading one.
This week (tomorrow) in literacy (and probably next week too= we will read the story of Dogger and do some work based on the story.  You can listen to the story here if you wish. Dogger video 
 In maths we are revising counting in 2s and learning to make pairs.  On Wednesday there will be an assessment covering most of the work we have done this term. Again, no need to revise.  We will also do some work on fractions - recognising half and quarter of a shape/piece of fruit. There will be a new game on the active learn site tomorrow.
Topic - we have more or less finished our topic on toys long ago. Today we made an old fashioned "catch the ball in the cup" toy out of a yogurt pot.
On Thursday Y1-Y4 are going on a trip to Telde to learn about healthy living.
Tomorrow is "safer internet day" so all week we will be watching videos and listening to stories of how to play safely on the internet.
EG Never give out personal information (this is more relevant to older children) and always ask an adult if you see something and you don't know what it is/what to do.

Friday 7 February 2020


There's no handwriting homework this week as I forgot to photocopy it. Sorry.

If you want to do some at home then we did the letters p & r.  I'll send the sheet on Monday (for you to do when it is most convenient)

We have been doing +10 and - ten this week.  As well as the game on active learn you can try this game  100 hunt which they have played today on the tablet.  Or use this tool to teach tens and units (with blocks or 10p & 1p coins)  to help practice adding or subtracting 10 (See images below)

Obviously it works better actually adding or removing the 10p coin or the stick of 10. I have drawn on the screen to give you an idea of how I have taught it. (tool link above)

Thursday 6 February 2020

Yoghurt pots

Next week in art we will be making an old fashioned toy using yoghurt pots. As we no longer have small yoghurt pots in the dining room (we have a huge bowl of yogurt) I don't have many empty pots.  If you eat any small yoghurts over the next few days, please wash the pots and send them in. Some children still bring a yoghurt as a snack, so I am collecting those and washing them too.  Many thanks.

Monday 3 February 2020

Week beginning Monday 3rd February

Literacy - Phonics - oi (spoil the boy)  point  join  voice  boil  toilet
revise oy (toy for a boy)

Remember, we will change reading books tomorrow (Tuesday) not on Wednesdays from now on.
Maths - this week we are revising Tens & Units (Tens and Ones) particularly using money. By now your child should be able to write and say most numbers to 100. Many children confuse 14/40  17/70 etc.
Try this tool to make different amounts of money (Tens and Ones)
There is also a new game on the active learn site.
Later in the week we will revise saying 1 more or 1less (this time with numbers up to 100)  And then 10 more and 10 less.
Last week, when we did counting in 2s we sang this song and played this game to learn the odd and even numbers.
Topic - we are still learning about toys long ago.
We will also hopefully be practising our typing with this typing game.
If your child brings home his challenge book on Friday but it is not competed, please remember this does not mean that he hasn't done any work. This is extra work for children who sometimes finish quickly or like to work more.  If you wish to complete it at home then you may, but it is not obligatory.  You do not need to return it to school.

Monday 27 January 2020

week beginning Monday 27th January


Phonics ea (cup of tea)  meat  team  teacher  please  stream  dream 

Revise the sound  ee (what can you see)

We have now learnt all the set 2 sounds so we are starting with set 3 sounds.  In English the same sound can often be made 2 or more different ways, so we are now looking at new ways to spell the sounds we already know.

set 3 sounds
try revising these set 2 sounds too

As our running sessions are taking up part of our read write inc lessons, this week we will attempt to do RWI on Monday Tuesday and Thursday, rather than Monday Tuesday & Wednesday. To enable the children to have long enough to practice the books we are now going to change the reading books on a Tuesday instead of Wednesday.  Please bring in your RWI and Oxford Reading Tree books tomorrow (Tuesday)
Thanks. Library books will still be changed on Thursdays.

This week we will also be learning about Chinese New Year and the story of the Great Race (there are numerous videos on you tube).

Maths - we are continuing our work on counting in 5s and from Wednesday we will work on counting on in 2s and odd/even numbers. There will be a new game on the activelearn site from Wednesday.

Running - this morning the children actually counted how far they ran. They took a block for each lap (roughly 200m) they ran and in total Y1 took 152 blocks which means that together they ran 30.4km (From Vegueta to Arinaga)
From time to time the children will collect a block to count their distance. the idea is that they improve against their personal best and not compare themselves to other children. Your child will hopefully know how far he/she has run and the aim is that by the end of February they will be able to run at least 1 lap more.

If you haven't already signed up for tree planting, there is still time. I went on Saturday and had a lovely time. You can sign up via the school parents portal.

Wednesday 22 January 2020



As part of our topic work on toys we will be looking at and showing off our own toys. try and bring in something you can talk about - What it is made of? What colour is it?  Is it soft/hard? Do you sleep with it? Do you play with it inside or outside? Who gave it to you? etc


Please remember that the rest of the time we prefer children not to bring any toys to school in case they get lost or damaged.

Monday 20 January 2020

Week beginning Monday 20th January


oy – (toy for a  boy)  enjoy  destroy   joy  joyful

Last week we did ou (shout it out)  house mouse   mouth   cloud  found  loud


The children will get new words for their RWI story today and they change their reading book on Wednesday as normal.
This week we are working on skip counting in jumps of 10 ( 10  20  30… ) both forwards and backwards-  And also adding on 10  11  21  31  41  etc
Later this week we will do skip counting in 5s – 5  10  15  20  25.
Next week we will repeat by counting in 2s

There is no new game on the active learn site as the game focuses on counting in 2s which we will do next week.  But you can try these games.
Or try these songs
Our topic this term is toys from long ago and now. This week we will be sorting pictures of old and new toys and looking at some old toys.  As we are working on toys on Thursday the children will be permitted to bring in their favourite toy to show to the class and talk about it. (talk about what it is, who gave it to them, what it is made from etc) They will not take their toys out into the playground but they will be able to play with them and their friend’s toys in the class.  No electronic toys please and nothing valuable which could break or get damaged easily. They will also attempt to paint or sketch their toy.

Saving the Planet
If you have not already signed up for the Tree planting family day (see email from school) then time is running out and not many places are left.
Thank you to all the parents who are trying to avoid sending in single use plastics for their child’s snack. The amount of plastic rubbish is decreasing slowly. If you do send in a yoghurt, use the spoon again (the children can wash their own spoon and bring it home to use again.) Or if you feel the need to send your child’s snack in in a plastic bag, then please try to use that same plastic bag every day until it breaks. Thanks

Monday 13 January 2020

Week beginning Monday 13th January


oy – (toy for a  boy)  enjoy  destroy   joy  joyful (Tuesday)

We will also revise ph & wh which we did last week.


We have not been able to do “Read Write Inc” today, so the children will get words for their new story to learn tomorrow (Tuesday) and they will bring the new book home on Wednesday as normal.



This week we are working on 3D shapes. Your child will learn to name cube, cuboid, cylinder, pyramid cone & sphere. There should also be able to describe how many faces each shape has, how many edges and how many vertices (points).

Try singing this song at home.

There is also a new game on 3D shape on the active learn site.
Some faces are flat and some are curved. A cone has a flat face and a curved face.
Our topic this term is toys from long ago and now. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at toys and what they are made of, sorting out old toys from new toys and discussing how we know which are old/new. If anyone has a grandparent/neighbour who has some old toys they would like to come in a show us (in Spanish will be fine) or if anyone knows of a toy museum or anything similar, then please let me know.  Thanks
Healthy living
At the end of last term, to promote the health and well-being of our students, Year One and Year Two did a trial run of “The Daily Mile.”  There are numerous sites (mostly in English) explaining the daily mile or you can try this one in Spanish. It is an initiative which originated in Scotland in 2012 but is now being done all over the world.  daily mile info Our school is not currently registered as a school which is doing it, but hopefully it will be soon.
The basic idea is that the children do some physical aerobic exercise for 10/15 minutes per day and at least 3 times per week.  We have been jogging around the playground/carpark and the intention is to do this (weather permitting) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Those who jog at a slow pace (like mine) continually will be able to do 1km in about 10 minutes. Some children will do more and others will do less. But all will build up their stamina. In the future the idea is to count how many laps they do so each child can aim to improve on his/her own personal best. Each child can go at the own pace and may walk if they are too tired to jog.
Please remember (see school email) we are working towards eradicating “single use plastics” in our school.  When preparing your child’s snack, please try to avoid foil wrapping, clingfilm, yoghurt pots and drinks and single use cutlery.  Thanks

Some faces are flat and some are curved. A cone has a flat face and a curved face.


Friday 10 January 2020

Welcome back

I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday. The children have worked hard these last 3 days. We have been practising counting to 100 and learning about tens and units.
If your child can't count to 100 or is struggling to write the numbers try watching these videos at home.

count to 100
get fit to 100

There is also a new active learn game.

We have also done some computing work, finding and typing letters on the keyboard.
Some of the computers didn't work very well so you may want to try again at home.
keyboard zoo

Next week we will try level 2 of the game, typing capital letters and lower case letters but you can try keyboard zoo 2 at home of you wish.

The children have new reading books (since Wednesday) and they should be returned to be changed EVERY WEDNESDAY. Library books, which should be brought to school in the big transparent folder are changed on Thursdays.

In the reading folders the children should only have their reading books on a Wednesday and the yellow reading record (where we write down the names of their books). They should also have any completed homework, which they should put in the homework tray. The rest of the times the folders will probably be empty, unless they have competed homework or a Spanish book to change.

This morning we have looked through all the folders trying to find the forms you have signed  regarding authorisation on the web (see school email) but many folders have completed and un-completed work, pictures, Christmas cards and a whole assortment of other papers in them. Please look through your child's folder and remove any unnecessary papers. When your child brings home new "Read write Inc" words, ideally they should be taken out and kept at home to practise in the house.  If you child goes from one parent's house to another during the week then they may need to have their reading books in their folder every day, but most children should have a relatively empty folder every day (except Wednesday), which makes it easier for us and for you to see if there is anything important in there. Thanks

If you have not yet returned the form sent out on Wednesday please fill it in and return it to the office. Many thanks