Friday 10 January 2020

Welcome back

I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday. The children have worked hard these last 3 days. We have been practising counting to 100 and learning about tens and units.
If your child can't count to 100 or is struggling to write the numbers try watching these videos at home.

count to 100
get fit to 100

There is also a new active learn game.

We have also done some computing work, finding and typing letters on the keyboard.
Some of the computers didn't work very well so you may want to try again at home.
keyboard zoo

Next week we will try level 2 of the game, typing capital letters and lower case letters but you can try keyboard zoo 2 at home of you wish.

The children have new reading books (since Wednesday) and they should be returned to be changed EVERY WEDNESDAY. Library books, which should be brought to school in the big transparent folder are changed on Thursdays.

In the reading folders the children should only have their reading books on a Wednesday and the yellow reading record (where we write down the names of their books). They should also have any completed homework, which they should put in the homework tray. The rest of the times the folders will probably be empty, unless they have competed homework or a Spanish book to change.

This morning we have looked through all the folders trying to find the forms you have signed  regarding authorisation on the web (see school email) but many folders have completed and un-completed work, pictures, Christmas cards and a whole assortment of other papers in them. Please look through your child's folder and remove any unnecessary papers. When your child brings home new "Read write Inc" words, ideally they should be taken out and kept at home to practise in the house.  If you child goes from one parent's house to another during the week then they may need to have their reading books in their folder every day, but most children should have a relatively empty folder every day (except Wednesday), which makes it easier for us and for you to see if there is anything important in there. Thanks

If you have not yet returned the form sent out on Wednesday please fill it in and return it to the office. Many thanks

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