Friday 29 November 2019

Challenge books

This week the children have started doing extra work in their "Challenge Books" 

These books are designed to encourage the children to do a little bit of extra work, if they finish the task very quickly, rather than just going to play after completing an activity.
Each time the child completes a page, they move their name up. (see photo below) Once they have completed all 4 pages I mark it and move their name up into the challenge champions area.
The following week all names go back down onto the door again. 
The work will usually be a revision of activities that we have covered in class that they should be able to do independently. Usually it will be 1 maths, 1 literacy, 1 topic and 1 art/practical.

On a Friday the children will bring  home the challenge book whether it is completed or not. You may complete it at home if you wish however, YOU DO NOT NEED TO RETURN IT TO SCHOOL. 

The children receive house points if they complete the challenges, but if they don't do any it is not a problem.  Please do not be concerned or  think that your child has not done any work if they bring home an incomplete challenge book. This is EXTRA work to do, if there is time.  Over the year more and more children want to work rather than play (or they want to earn house -points) but at the beginning they are still young and need to play. 

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