Friday 4 October 2019

1 more or 1 less than any number

Here's another game you can play at home to practice 1 more or 1 less than any number.
You can choose to play with numbers up to 20 or 30 or even 50 or 100

In the "advanced version" you can also play find a number (for children who are still struggling to recognize numbers to 20)

Some children may like to try the count on or count back version too. 

Today the children have another piece of handwriting homework, practicing the letter a and revising c & o.   It can be completed at your convenience.
Try this website to see and practice letter formation. Most letters are the same formation that we use in school. Note the computer will not know if you are forming the letter correctly or not, so it is important to watch your child practice handwriting both on the tablet or on paper. Handwriting can be boring but is important. Practicing for a short time but often is better than long sessions.
If your child completes the homework (or any other homework they have done) they should put it in the orange/brown tray and I will give them a sticker.

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