Monday, 30 September 2019

Week Beginning Monday 30th September

Literacy - phonics


This week we will be working on the sound ee  - what can you see?

How many more words can you think of with this sound?
Rather than wasting paper to send home the phonics sheet with words to practice reading/spelling, I have uploaded the sheet here.


If your child brought his/her reading tree books (oxford reading tree) back today then they will have 2 more new books.  We have started reading “Read Write Inc” books in school this week however, this week they do not have words to practice at home or a RWI book to read at home.



This week we will be revising doubles to at least 5+5. (Some children will do doubles up to 10+10)

We will also revise counting forwards to 20 - please practice on a daily basis if your child cannot count to at least 20   count to 20 song    count to 20 with number words

And now we will be begin to count back from 20 to 1  count back song

We will work on saying 1 more (or 2 more) than any given number to 20 (and beyond)

There will be a new game on saying 1 more or 1 less on the active learn site

Try this pairs game too for learning doubles. There are numerous other simple counting and maths games on the same site which you can try too.
Try singing this song too or the harder doubles to 20 version

Topic - this week and the next few weeks we will learn about the 5 senses. I use my eyes to see etc.

Library books, reading books and reading record (the little yellow book) 

Don't forget to return your library books,in the big transparent folder on Thursday, not Friday, to change it for a new one.

The reading books (which get changed on a Monday) do not need to be brought to school on a daily basis. I will put a tick on the list of the books (in the yellow reading record book) that your child has returned and will put the date by the next 2 books he/she takes. 
Once they have the "Read Write Inc books" the same process will apply. 

The reading record contains a list of books so I know which books each child has read.
If you wish to write the names of the books that your child has read, and a comment about how he/she read it, then you may, but it is optional.  Some parents have also written down the names of the e-books that their children have read online, with a comment. Again this is optional.


On Friday your child brought home a sheet to practice handwriting.  Handwriting is boring but it is important. It is useful if you sit with your child while he/she is doing it to make sure they are forming their letters correctly. If your child finds it difficult then they may need extra practice. Five minutes per day over several days is better than doing it for a long time. Try also writing letters in the sand next time you go to the beach.

Your child should put any competed homework in the orange/brown tray next to the reading folder box. They will be given a sticker if they complete their homework, however, we don't have time to look through the folders on a daily basis. Please encourage your child to be responsible for his things and put their homework in the tray. Thanks.


Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Maths games and ebooks at home

We finally have a login for each of the children to play games on the activelearn site.

Normally there will be one game per week, but at the moment there are three games from the last 3 weeks worth of work.  The game will normally be available from Tuesday, but the game is based on the work we do all week, so it may be better to play the game towards the end of the week.

The “Rainy Daze” involves number bonds to 5 and 6, but so far most children have only worked on number bonds to 5 so this should be played later in the week, however they should be able to play the other 2 games without problem.

The game allows the child to practice first, which they can do with a parent, but once the game starts it is better to let the child do it alone, even if he is doing it wrong.  I can access via my computer the result of the first time they play. That way I can see what the children have understood and where they may need more help. After they have completed the game once, they can continue playing as much as they like, with help from parents if necessary. There are 3 levels for each game but you can only reach the silver level after successfully completing bronze level.

Today your child will bring home a letter that has their personal login and password.

I have also created a Year 1 login in Oxford Owl. This enables you to read books online from the “Oxford Reading Tree” and “Read Write Inc” schemes.  The children should select “My class login”.
The username is one the sheet. The password is the same as the one which they will use for active learn (which is written on their individual letter in their reading folder, not on this blog)
There are a variety of books for a wide range of levels, including into Y5 or y6 and beyond.  You can select books based on the age of your child or just select the books the same colour as your child is currently reading in “ORT” or in “RWI”. There is a quiz/game for each book you read however I can’t see the results. No more books will be added or deleted from this site, so there is no rush to read them. One or maybe two books per week, plus their reading books and RWI words (when they get them) and the Spanish reading book is more than sufficient.


Don't forget to return library books (the story books in the big transparent folder) tomorrow (THURSDAY) to be changed.


Monday, 23 September 2019

week beginning Monday 23rd September

Literacy - this week we have started the set 2 sounds from "Read Write Inc"

ay - may I play

Your child has a sheet in their reading folder with a list of ay words on it which they should be able to sound out using "Fred Talk" and some children will be able to spell them too.  You do not need to complete or return the sheet, it is for your information only and they will receive a similar sheet each week.

Here is a video showing all the set 2 sounds. Again this is more for your information, to help you with pronunciation although the children may watch it if they wish. We will work on 1 sound each week.

We are also doing more work on the body and reading sentences using is & are

Today most children have been given new reading books. Please make sure your child brings to school his/her reading books and the yellow "reading record" every Monday in order for me to change the reading books. We have not yet started working with the "read write inc" reading books.

The bigger library books (in the large transparent folder) should be brought and changed on Thursdays.

We are still practicing counting and writing numbers to 20. Please continue to help your child at home if he/she struggles with numbers to 20.

This week we are working on number pairs to 5 (all the ways of making 5) 
4 + ? = 5      2 + ? =5 etc

Try listening to this song to help your learn your number bonds. Initialy they may need to use blocks/toys or their fingers to work out the answers, but with practice they should be able to know them by memory.

Some children will also be learning number bonds to 6 or revising number bonds to 4. 

We are still working on parts of the body.

Thursday, 19 September 2019


Today we've had lots of fun and also learnt about our face.
We made delicious, healthy faces on rice cakes with vegetables.
Some of the healthy children also ate the rest of the peas, carrots, sweetcorn, tomato, cucumber and olives with their lunch!

Here are a few photos.

Try listening to these songs too...

My face
My eyes …
Parts of the head

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Week beginning Monday 16th September

Phonics - this week we will continue working on the digraphs sh ch & th and trying to read and spell words using these sounds. Your child should be able to use "Fred talk" to sound out words like... 

shop  ship  shut  shed
chop  chip  chin 
thin  thick  maths  bath

Try reading, spelling or making these words with magnetic letters. 

Reading - Today your child will have brought home some reading books which they can practice reading at home. They should return the books and the yellow "reading record" next Monday to be changed.  They do not need to bring the books to school every day.

With the reading books is a yellow "reading record" the same one from last year. Inside the front cover there is a list of books in that level. The children may not have to read all the books and not always in that order. I have written the date that child was given that book. When they return it the following Monday I will put a tick. If you wish to write the name of the books your child is reading and a comment on the white pages of the "reading record" then you may.

Maths - we are still working on numbers to 20 and correct number formation. Some children are beginning to read numbers written in words (one, two, three etc)

Topic - we are still learning about the body and this week we will focus on the face. 

Homework - on the whole I do not like to send much homework in the form of worksheets, however handwriting is an important part of the curriculum, so later this week your child will bring home a sheet to practice writing numerals to 20. Please sit with your child while they do this sheet to make sure the digits are formed correctly.  For some children they will need to practice more than just on this worksheet. Feel free to continue practising at home. Trying writing digits in the sand or painting them too. To help your child recognize the numbers better trying playing bingo or memory.
Try this teddy counting game too.
From time to time, if your child finds a piece of work difficult he/she will be given the sheet to repeat at home with you (if you are able.) There is no specific day to complete and return it. Once I have given the children their first piece of homework, I will put a tray out in the corridor, next to the red folder box, where the children can put completed homework. All children who complete homework (and put it into the tray) will be given a sticker.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Library Books and reading books

Library Books

Today your child has brought home a library book in a big transparent folder.  It is not expected that your child can read this book, although there are many books they will be able to read. The aim is to develop a love of books and reading.  If he/she can't read it, then read it to them/with them. Talk about the pictures too. Enjoy the book and the time spent with your child. 
The letter in the library folder says please return the book on Friday so they can choose a new one. However, we have had to make a few changes to the timetables and so for now, they should return the book on Thursday, when they will choose a new one, which they will take home on either Thursday or Friday.

Reading books
For various reasons we will not be able to start the "read, write inc" lessons next week. In the meantime your child will bring home (on Monday) two "Oxford Reading Tree" books. This is a different reading scheme which we use to supplement the RWI scheme, however the reading is not based entirely on phonics, so do not be concerned if your child cannot read all the words in the book. Encourage him/her to use the pictures to help decode the word. Some words (the red words in RWI) are just learned by memory and repetition.
 These books should be returned next Monday, when they will be changed for new books.  If you find that the book is very easy or very difficult for your child, please let me know.

Try to read 15-20 minutes a day with your child. This doesn't just mean that they need to read their book to you every day. Initially with younger children, read the book together, read with them, read a story at bedtime etc. Reading the words from the "read write inc" books (when you get them) is part of the 15-20 minutes reading time. One day, play a game of pairs or bingo with the words from a book. Another day, read to them but mis-read or miss out a word and ask them to correct you.  Some days read in English and other days in Spanish.  But more important than anything, develop a love of reading, it shouldn't be seen as a chore or an obligation.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Welcome to Year 1

I haven't managed to attach the information as a document, so I have done screen shots of my word document. Hope that works. It's a bit blurred but hopefully you can understand it. If you need the information in a digital form, please send me an email.

This week we have been revising the set 1 letter sounds
Some of have used these sounds to spell simple words.
We have played these games in class:
Try this link to listen to the sounds (for parents)
In the following weeks we will revise the sounds sh  ch & th
We have also practised counting to 20 and writing the numbers correctly. Listen to this song at home if you're not sure how to say or write the numbers to 20
Next week we will continue with numbers to 20 (or more) and on counting objects and recognising the numbers.
Next week we will also start our topic on the body.
Please remember there is no school on Monday. On Thursday will be school photo day, so make sure you come in your smartest uniform.
I forgot to add at the parent's information meeting that we would prefer the children to bring a healthy snack (no sweets or chocolates) and avoiding throw away plastic wherever possible. NO GLASS
If your child has an actimel/yogurt/juice talk to them about the fact it is made from plastic and it should be thrown in the yellow bin at school.  Later on we will work on this in school too. But in the meantime, every little thing helps us save the planet.
Given that there is no school on Monday and I have mentioned next weeks objectives above, there will probably not be another blog post until Monday 16th September
Any questions or doubts please email me